A doctor from Hyderabad has successfully managed to pass a motion, in the recently held 191st Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) of British Medical Association (BMA) in United Kingdom, to discontinue the usage of the term ‘Junior doctor’ in UK. The doctor from Hyderabad, Dr Sai Ram Pillarisetti, who at present practices in UK, proposed a motion to discontinue the usage of the term ‘Junior doctor’, which was successfully passed in full and received huge support across all sides of the elected BMA representative body, a press release said. In his talk, Dr Sai Ram Pillarisetti, said that the term ‘Junior Doctor’ was misleading. “It is misleading to the public and often does not do justice to these doctors, many of whom have been practicing for over a decade,” he said.
“To the general public, the title of ‘junior doctor’ may imply a lack of experience or competence, creating a misunderstanding about the work we do and the qualifications we hold. It does not help differentiate between trainees fresh from medical school and senior trainees, many of whom have over 10 years of experience under their belt as well as several Post-Graduate degrees,” he said.
Term ‘Junior Doctor’ discontinued in UK thanks to Hyderabad doctor.
The term ‘Junior Doctor’ was misleading to the public and often does not do justice to these doctors, many of whom have been practicing for over a decade
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