Eight persons, including a four-year-old girl, sustained injuries in a fox attack at Kottappalli near Thiruvallur in Kozhikode district on Friday evening. The fox went on a biting spree, attacking all those who came before it at Kottappalli and Paingottayi areas around 6pm.
Those who were bitten at Kottappali include Punathil Moidu Haji, 65, his grand-daughter Fathima, 4, Kunduchalil Haseena and Kannangandi Leela. Also, the fox attacked and injured four others at Paingottayi. The injured have been admitted to the Vadakara district hospital. Later, the residents beat the fox to death.
The fox went on a biting spree, attacking all those who came before it at Kottappalli and Paingottayi areas around 6pm.
The residents beat the fox to death.
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