A 23-year-old girl was shot dead by her brother as he allegedly had objections to her live-in-relationship with a man from the same village, police said on Tuesday. The incident occurred on Monday in Taangadhi village under the jurisdiction of Khandoli police station of Agra district. As per locals, the victim had been married to a man from Mathura three years ago. However, the girl allegedly broke their marriage after just six months to live with her lover outside the village.
Recently, the couple had relocated to the village, where the victim was residing with her partner – a private firm employee in Agra. When the victim was out to buy medicines from a pharmacy on Monday evening, her brother, identified as Satya Prakash, saw her and forcefully dragged her from the road into their home and began physically assaulting her. Desperate to escape, the victim managed to flee the house but he chased her, pushed her to the ground and shot her dead, said police officials. DCP Sonam Kumar said, “The body has been sent for post-mortem examination. The accused man had fired on the chest of the victim from a close range resulting in her death on the spot. After the incident, the accused along with his family members fled the village locking their house. They used to run a sweet shop. An FIR has been registered and efforts are on to arrest the accused.”
The accused man had fired on the chest of the victim from a close range resulting in her death on the spot.
The girl allegedly broke their marriage after just six months to live with her lover outside the village.
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