The long awaited Siddharth-starrer 'Takkar' directed by Karthik G Krish is all set to hit the screens soon. While the trailer of the film has been released tomorrow on May 21, the film itself has been released on June 9, 2023. The star-cast of Takkar includes Siddharth, Yogibabu, Divyansha, Abimanyu Singh, Vigneshkanth, Ramdoss and many others. 'Takkar' is simultaneously releasing in Tamil and Telugu and is written and directed by Karthik G Krish.
The film is said to be a youthful entertainer laced with elements that appeals to the interests of next-gen groups with appealing romance, emotions and action packed moments. Produced by Sudhan Sundaram and Jayaram of Passion Studios, the film has music by Nivas K Prasanna. The technical team includes Vanchinathan Murugesan handling the cinematography and GA Gowtham taking care of the editing. Takkar was released on 9 June 2023 and received negative reviews from critics, with most critics criticizing the story, writing, screenplay, performances, direction, pace, and action sequences. As a result, it became a box-office disappointment.
The film crew had earlier announced that the film would release on 17 April 2020, but it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. It was released on 9 June 2023.
The satellite and digital rights of the film were sold to Star Network and Netflix.
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